Friday, April 20, 2012

PDCA Cycle

PDCA cycle is an iterative method to solve a problem. This method was made popular by Dr. W. Edwards Deming. The other names of this methodology are PDSA (“Plan, Do, Study. Act”), Shewhart cycle, and Deming Cycle.

It is a simple approach towards problem solving; the following steps are performed sequentially:

1. Plan: We first need to identify a problem, clearly define it. This is the most important step; here we need to find exactly what the problem is? What are the causes of this problem? Brainstorming, root cause analysis, are a vital activity among problem solving team. If the problem and its root cause are identified then the road map is prepared to how to move on to solve this problem at hand. Once the road map is laid down, the next step is to implement the plan, to have the problem solved or rectified.

2. Do: We have a plan at our hand, the plan that was developed in the planning stage; need to be implemented in letter and spirit. For the successful implementation of this plan, the whole team has to perform well. It is not an activity to be performed by individual. The responsibility/accountability has to be set for all the people concerned. The deployment team (problem solving team) may encounter the resistance to change.

3. Check: The results have to be verified. The results are verified against the estimation from the planning stage. Check to see if the results are same as they were projected or expected in the planning stage. Look out for the variation or deviation. If the variation are their go back to planning stage. Repeat the iterations from the step 1.

4. Act: Whatever has been done, if that has achieved the purpose of the problem solving and has improved the system, need to be standardized.

This is a repetitive process, with the completion of the 4th step, the iteration are repeated with a new problem set. So, it is a way of continuous improvement.

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